Grade Sheet (Track your grade throughout the semester)
- Literary Periods
- Romanticism: Final Thoughts
- Victorianism: Final Thoughts (up to midterm)
- Twentieth/Twenty-First Centuries
- The Hay Wain (1821), John Constable
- Rain, Steam, and Speed, (1844), Joseph Turner
- Anna Barbauld
- In-Class Grp Questions for Barbauld, Cowper, Wollstonecraft
- William Blake Songs
- Wordsworth - Preface to Lyrical Ballads (Notes on the title from class)
- Wordsworth - "Michael"
- Wordsworth - "Tintern Abbey"
- Wordsworth - The Prelude
- Coleridge Notes
- Byron - Don Juan
- Shelley Study Questions
- Keats's "Ode to a Nightingale"
- Carlyle and Mill Study Questions
- Tennyson & Browning Notes
- "A Visit to Newgate"
- Not for Spring 2025 "The Woman Question" - Assignment (10pts): Post your analysis of the reading assigned for the "The Woman Question" (See the syllabus) on D2L. You can note key ideas as well as connections among the readings. Also, give a few page/paragraph references for key quotations or ideas. Your response must be a minimum of 8 complete sentences that are more than a few words long.
Sherlock Holmes
- Johanna's PowerPt Slides: Bkgrd/Context
- New York Times Article on Sherlock Holmes
- Sherlock Holmes Pictures
- Deduction
- Induction
- Although Holmes is credited with amazing deductive powers, the stories reveal he uses both deductive and inductive reasoning. References to Holmes's powers of deduction may be rooted in a general sense of the term--to reach a conclusion by reasoning--rather than its meaning within the context of formal logic.
- D. G. Rossetti Poems
- Sassoon poems - Study Questions
- Arcadia
- Nicholas Poussin, Spring
- Nicholas Poussin, Et in Arcadia ego
- Geometry and the Garden (from Arcadia performance program, London)
- From Newton to Chaos (from Arcadia performance program, London)
- Rhys--"The Day They Burned the Books"
- Notes on Loneliness of the Long-Distance Runner
- Midterm Exam Study Guide
- Final Exam Study Guide
- Queen Victoria's Empire
- Not Available The Romantics, BBC - from Films On Demand [go to
UWSP Library Home page, online videos link | open Films On Demand
(sign in if off campus) | in the search box type "Nature to Transcendence" |
click on the video to get full program ]
- "From Nature to Transcendence" (Watch segments 1-10 from this
37mins, 9secs)
You are only required to watch the selected segments from From Nature to Transcendance. If you wish to watch more and other episodes, you certainly can. There are three episodes that make up The Romantics series. Search the same way for the other two episodes, which are listed below.
- "From Nature to Transcendence" (Watch segments 1-10 from this
37mins, 9secs)
- From Revolution to Nature
- From Transcendence to Oblivion
- Enclosure Acts (PDF) (There is currently no author, sponsor, or publication date for this document. You can compare the info here to other sources.)