- Intro - Victorian Age
- Course Themes
- Kipling - "The Man Who Would Be King"
- Watson & The Armenian Genocide
- Armenian Genocide - Historical Overview
- My paper abstract on Watson for North American Victorian Studies Association conference
- Tennyson Poems
- Carlyle/Mill
- Browning - Dramatic Monologue
- Darwin
- From Culture and Anarchy
- Dickens
- Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
- Sirabian, Robert. "The Conception of Science in Wells's The Invisible Man." Papers on Language and Literature 37.4 (Dec. 2001): 382-40. Pages 382-88 discuss scientific method using Mary Shelley, Stevenson, and Arnold as examples. You can find this article using our library's databases.)
- Robert Louis Stevenson: A Concise Biography from Films On Demand [go to UWSP Library Home page | click on Online Videos | click on Films On Demand (sign in if off campus) | In search box, type "Robert Louis Sevenson: A Concise Biography"
- PowerPoint Notes
- Jane Eyre Notes
- Movie: Wuthering Heights (Tom Hardy and Charlotte Riley)
- Movie: Under the Greenwood Tree (Masterpiece Theater)
- New York Times Article on Sherlock Holmes
- Sherlock Holmes Pictures
- Deduction
- Induction
- Although Holmes is credited with amazing deductive powers, the stories reveal he uses both deductive and inductive reasoning. References to Holmes's powers of deduction may be rooted in a general sense of the term--to reach a conclusion by reasoning--rather than its meaning within the context of formal logic.
- Victorian Medievalism
- Reading Notes for Mill on the Floss
- Notes for Goblin Market
- Commodity Fetishism
Work - Segment from NBC Meet the Press
- This brief segment (6:54) with Mike Rowe ("Dirty Jobs") extends our discussion of work in the Victorian Age (Gospel of Work), particularly in the works of Tennyson, C. Rossetti, Carlyle. It even connects to Newman.
- Wuthering Heights (1950) from Films On Demand [go to UWSP Library Home page | click on Online Videos | click on Films On Demand (sign in if off campus) | type in search box: "Wuthering Heights" | under "All Video Formats," click "Full Titles"| movie will be there - full video (59:36)]
- Essay 1
- Essay 2
- Course Annotated Text Group Project (Fall 2021)