We will spend at least part of a class reviewing progress on your research-based literary analysis. You may share your information/ideas with the class or with another classmate.
As indicated on the syllabus, you will need to bring the following to class.
1. A draft of your working outline that includes your working thesis - handwritten or typed. See the handout I gave you for developing a formal outline. "Working" means your outline is in progress, but it should indicate your movement towards a specific structure and ideas. Your thesis will also be in progress, but should indicate the specific claim you are making in your essay. (See Course Research Essay page for info about writing a thesis statement.)
2. A working bibliography that lists sources you will cite in your essay and are thinking of using - handwritten or typed. List sources using the MLA citation style. The working bibliography will become your works cited page--works you actually cite in your essay. You should have at least four sources, building on the two sources required for the exploration paper. (See Course Research Essay page for info about conducting research.)
3. Bring your reading notes - from the work you are writing about - and your research notes - from each of your sources.